We have been monitoring the Covid-19 fluidity over the last two months to prepare for the re-opening of athletics due to the pandemic. Now that the stay at home order has been lifted, we will open up outdoor athletic practices and training at Loyola High School on Monday, June 15, 2020 according to the following guidelines based on how things currently stand:
- To decrease potential exposure to respiratory droplets, athletes and coaches will practice social distancing of at least six feet apart. This starts upon arrival, during and after practice.
- All participants must wear a face covering or mask during activity. A lightweight, non-restrictive,face covering is recommended.
- Practices can only be done outside at this time.
- Athletes must bring their own water bottles. Any athlete that does not show up with their own water bottle will not be allowed to participate.
- There will be no shared athletic equipment (towels, clothing, shoes, or sport-specific equipment) when possible between students.
- No physical contact such as handshakes, high-fives, fist bumps and hugs are allowed.
- If a student or coach is ill they are not allowed to attend practice. Parents, we need your help on this.
- Athletes and coaches will need to do a pre-workout/practice screening prior to participating. This will be done before every athletic practice or training session by the coach running the practice or training session.
- If you are not comfortable with your child participating, that is okay, at this point it is voluntary and there will not be consequences.

- Low and Moderate-risk sports can begin full practices, high-risk sports can begin modified practices (no contact)
- Low Risk – Cross Country, and Track & Field.
- Moderate Risk – Baseball, Basketball and Bowling.
- High Risk – Football, Wrestling and Rugby.
- Coaches will train athletes on how practices will be safely run until we can fully open inside as well as outside.
- Athletes and coaches are expected to disinfect areas and equipment following practice.
- Equipment will not be shared during athletic practices and training without being disinfected first.
- After every practice athletes should take their clothes home and wash them daily.
- Locker rooms will be unavailable at this time.
- Bathroom use will be limited to one person at a time and disinfected.
- Coaches cannot meet with students until the coaches have gone through protocol training.
We will continue to evaluate these guidelines and adjust as needed to keep our athletes and coaches safe.