The Loyola Work Experience Program is professionally managed, process-proven and participation is both easy and rewarding for our Partners. Here are the details:
► All juniors and seniors work one day each week, plus one Friday per month in entry-level clerical positions at law and accounting firms, manufacturers, healthcare facilities and other service providers. These employers are referred to as the Loyola Work Experience Program Partners.
► Revenue generated from the Loyola Work Experience Program helps to cover the substantial gap between the actual cost to educate a student at Loyola ($20,000) and the average tuition paid by a typical Loyola family ($1,250).
► A traditional Full Time Equivalent (FTE) placement results in four students sharing a full-time position with each student working one day per week, Monday through Thursday, and rotating each Friday. Less than FTE placements are also available.
► Part-time positions are also available one, two or three days a week.
► The Loyola Work Experience Program charges a flat fee and handles payroll, W-4, workers compensation, FICA and other payroll issues.
► Partners who engage an FTE position with the Loyola Work Experience Program pay a fee of $32,000. Partners who outsource a less than FTE placement pay a prorated fee of $8,000 per student.

Q: What are the Loyola Work Experience Program’s start and end dates?
A: The program runs in concert with the school year. It typically begins the Tuesday after Labor Day and runs until the last day of school which normally occurs in the second week of June.
Q: Do students receive any job training to prepare for their placements?
A: Yes, the Loyola Work Experience Program provides summer training sessions as well as periodic sessions throughout the school year. Training includes workplace etiquette, phone skills, filing and photocopying. Additionally, students are competent in Microsoft Word and Excel from their Loyola computer classes.
Q: How are students assigned?
A: After determining the needs for each position and evaluating student skills, the Loyola Work Experience Program staff assigns each student to his position.
Q: How do students make up missed classroom instruction?
A: When Loyola made the decision to adopt the Loyola Work Experience Program in 2003, the faculty and administration developed a schedule for juniors and seniors that ensures students do not miss classroom instruction because of workdays.
Q: Who supervises the students?
A: The Loyola Work Experience Program staff, in consultation with the Partner, supervises students. The Loyola Work Experience Program Director works with each student and Partner in all supervisory matters.
Q: How do the students get to work?
A: The Loyola Work Experience Program staff provides transportation to and from the work site.
Q: Can students work on school holidays or during the summer?
A: Students can work over breaks and holidays. The Loyola Work Experience Program continues to provide transportation. The Partners pay the Loyola Work Experience Program a per diem rate. After deducting the transportation costs, the Loyola Work Experience Program turns this compensation over to the student. Additionally, juniors can work the summer before their senior year.
Q: How do the students dress for work?
A: Students report to work in their school uniform which consists of dress pants, dress shirt, dress shoes, belt and tie. In some cases, their attire will be adjusted to conform to the standards of the work site.
Q: How can our company get more information?
A: For more information, please contact Kenneth Gardner at 313-861-2407, ext. 526 or by email at kgardner@loyolahsdetroit.org