May 29, 2020

On our last day of the school year, Theology teachers and Campus Ministers Fr. Adam DeLeon, SJ and Jack McLinden, SJ present today’s Morning Prayer. They reflect on the Acts of the Apostles and challenge all of our students to rise up and prepare for their places next year at Loyola High School. We wish all of our students and families, as well as our extended Loyola community, a safe and happy summer. God bless you!


May 28, 2020

Fr. Adam DeLeon, SJ leads Morning Prayer with a familiar reflection from the Gospel of John in which Christ teaches His Disciples to tend to the needs of the people. Fr. Adam encourages us this week to share both our thanks and our concerns with God and with others, and to ask ourselves how we can continue to interact with others in order to grow in faith, hope and love.

May 27, 2020

 Fr. Adam DeLeon, SJ, shares with us the beautiful story of The Good Shepherd from the Gospel of John. In his reflection. Fr. Adam encourages us to see the world and others the way God does…through the eyes of faith, hope and love.

May 26, 2020

Today, as we enter our final week of school, Board member Cheryl Delaney Kreger reads from Jeremiah to remind us how special we are to God.

May 25, 2020

God bless our service members who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country and our freedom.


May 21, 2020

Today, Loyola supporter and former LWEP Director, Amy Costello, reads from the Book of Joshua and urges us to be courageous during these difficult times and to spread hope knowing that God is always with us.

May 20, 2020

Today, Board members Dr. Mable Jones and Michael Tyson lead us in Morning Prayer. Reading from the Book of Jeremiah, Dr. Jones references the need to always keep Scripture in our lives, and reflects on the faith-filled plans our Lord has for our Seniors.

May 19, 2020

Jack McLinden reads from the Book of John and reflects on how current efforts for social distancing is pushing us to find new ways to connect and share our love for one another.


May 18, 2020

Today, Loyola alumnus and committee member Bruce McDonald, Class of 2000, and his son Braylon McDonald, Class of 2023, lead Morning Prayer beginning with a reading from the Book of James. Reflecting on his own transition from Loyola, Mr. McDonald encourages Seniors and all of us not to have doubt or to be fearful, but to be moved and encouraged by the faith we have in God.

May 15, 2020

On our Seniors last day of high school, Campus Minister and theology teacher Fr. Adam DeLeon, SJ, turns to the Gospel of John to share the good news with Seniors and all of us. Congratulations, Seniors!  Go with God!  God bless you all!

May 14, 2020

Today, Loyola supporter Crystal Davidson reads from the Gospel of Matthew and encourages us to remain positive in our challenges…to focus on what we have and on who Jesus is calling us to be.

May 13, 2020

Today, alumnus Robert Allen, Class of ‘97, reads from the Book of Haggai to remind us that in the midst of this pandemic, we have an opportunity to increase our faith, to build stronger relationships and to strengthen our foundation in God.

May 12, 2020

Today, in a message directed especially to Seniors, theology teacher Jack McLinden, SJ, draws upon a passage from Romans.  He reflects upon how much we still have – even during this time of separation – and reminds us that nothing can come between us and the love of God.

May 11, 2020

Today, alumnus Jai’Chaun Banford, Class of 2018, reads from Proverbs to remind us that although we have individual challenges in life, our path is made straight by trusting in the Lord.

May 8, 2020

Today, as we approach Mother’s Day on Sunday, language teacher Kathy Gross reads from John and reflects on how our love for mothers and those who nurture us, transcends time and distance.

May 7, 2020

Principall Wyatt Jones III leads Morning Prayer, reading from Proverbs: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he make straight your path.


May 6, 2020

Business Manager Therese Marz turns to the Gospel of John to remind us that Jesus is light. She reflects on how we, as people of faith, must follow Jesus’ example and bring light to others.


May 5, 2020

Today, for Teacher Appreciation Day, teacher Kathy Gross reads from Matthew and reminds us how children are able to find joy each day by looking at little things.

May 4, 2020

Today, Fr. Adam DeLeon, SJ, shares with us the beautiful story of The Good Shepherd from the Gospel of John. In his reflection. Fr. Adam encourages us to see the world and others the way God does…through the eyes of faith, hope and love.


May 1, 2020

Today, as we end our seventh week of social distancing, Fr. Adam DeLeon, SJ, turns to a passage from the Gospel of John when many around Jesus were seeking a sign.  Fr. Adam reflects on how, throughout the history of salvation, our God has always been present for us.

April 30, 2020

Loyal Loyola supporter Crystal Davidson reads from both Hebrews and Isaiah to remind us that our strength is renewed by faith and hope in the Lord.


April 29, 2020

Alumnus Cory Easterling, Class of 2019, reads from Psalm 147 and reflects on the peace and strength that come to us when we put our faith in the unfailing love of the Lord.

April 28, 2020

Alumnus Eriq Anderson reads from Philippians to remind us to hold still in troubling times and to give our concerns to God. He will calm our hearts and minds

April 27, 2020

Entering our 7th week of distance learning, Fr. Adam DeLeon, SJ leads Morning Prayer with a familiar reflection from the Gospel of John in which Christ teaches His Disciples to tend to the needs of the people. Fr. Adam encourages us this week to share both our thanks and our concerns with God and with others, and to ask ourselves how we can continue to interact with others in order to grow in faith, hope and love.

April 24, 2020

Fr. Adam DeLeon, SJ finds comfort after five weeks of distance learning in the First Letter of Peter. Reflecting on the words of Peter, Fr. Adam reminds us that God not only wants to draw close to us and be with us; He also, through the Resurrection of Christ, brings us new life.

April 23, 2020

Camron Baker, Class of ‘20, leads Morning Prayer and gives us a Senior’s perspective on separation during this difficult time.  He recites from Romans and Deuteronomy to help all of us stay strong and to remind us that, although we are apart, nothing can keep us away from God‘s love. 

April 22, 2020

Fr. Mark Luedtke, SJ returns to Loyola to lead Morning Prayer.  He reflects on the end of John’s Gospel and reminds us that the risen Christ’s first words to his frightened Disciples were “Peace be with you.”  In these difficult days, let us, as members of the Loyola community, invite others to share in that peace.

April 21, 2020

Alumnus Bruce McDonald , Class of 2000, and his son Braylon, Class of 2023, lead Morning Prayer, calling upon the Gospel of Matthew to remind us that when Jesus went into the desert for 40 days, He was isolated but not alone. God the Father was always there with Him.

April 20, 2020

Fr. Adam begins this week of Morning Prayer by reflecting on a familiar story from the Gospel of John – the story of the disciple Thomas.  Here, in this  very human passage, he finds similarities between Thomas’  doubts and our own fears and concerns during this time of isolation.  


April 17, 2020

Fr. Adam reflects upon Luke’s Gospel and the passage when the risen Christ first visits the disciples locked behind closed doors. WIth the disciples isolated in fear, Fr. Adam shares three things Christ wanted them to know.


April 15, 2020

Today, Loyola faculty member Jack McLinden shares signs of hope this Easter Season as he turns to the Gospel of John to remind us that Jesus brings new life to the world.

April 14, 2020

Fr. Adam draws from John’s Gospel to share the experience of Mary Magdalene weeping at the tomb when the living Christ appears to her and calls her by name.

April 13, 2020

Alumnus Richard Griffin, Class of 2010, leads Morning Prayer and calls upon a reading from Proverbs to ask us where our thoughts are leading us.

April 10, 2020

Fr. Adam DeLeon, SJ invites you to join us for an online social retreat based on the Seven Last Words of Christ, presented through Scripture passages. Every hour, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., we will present online another word for prayer and reflection.

Please pray with us.

April 9, 2020

In today’s Morning Prayer, Therese Marz reads from the Gospel of Matthew and reflects on the night of The Last Supper and the deep, personal relationship Christ has with the Father through prayer.

April 8, 2020

Kathy Gross reads from the Book of Luke, showing appreciation for greatest gift we can offer during difficult times: the gift of prayer.


April 7, 2020

Today, President David Smith reads from Proverbs and encourages us, no matter what is happening in our lives, to always lean on God.

April 6, 2020

Fr. Adam, SJ opens Morning Prayer for Holy Week by reflecting on Matthew’s Gospel from Palm Sunday and specifically referencing the youth of the world.

April 3, 2020

Fr. Adam DeLeon leads our Morning Prayer, reading from the Gospel of Mark to reveal God’s understanding of our fears and doubts during times of uncertainty.


April 2, 2020

Principal Wyatt Jones III gives Morning Prayer, reading from the Book of Isaiah to explore expectations and opportunities to renew our strength through Faith.


April 1, 2020

Today, Ms. Kathy Gross leads Morning Prayer and calls upon a reading from the Book of Isaiah to assure us that our Lord never abandons us.


MARCH 31, 2020

In today’s Morning Prayer, Jack McLinden reads from the Book of John and reflects on how current efforts for social distancing is pushing us to find new ways to connect and share our love for one another.

MARCH 30, 2020

In today’s Morning Prayer, Fr. Adam reads from Luke and draws on personal experience to share how God meets us in the depths to share more faith, hope and love.


MARCH 27, 2020

Fr. Adam DeLeon, SJ closes out the week with another Morning Prayer for the community. Join us again Monday at 9 a.m. for another Loyola High School Morning Prayer.


MARCH 26, 2020

Our President Dave Smith, delivers Morning Prayer to the community.

Join us again tomorrow at 9 a.m. for another Loyola High School Morning Prayer.

MARCH 25, 2020

Business Manager,Therese Marz, delivers Morning Prayer to the community.

Join us again tomorrow at 9 a.m. for another Loyola High School Morning Prayer.

MARCH 24, 2020

Principal, Wyatt Jones III, gives Morning Prayer to the community. His message comes with a question to reflect:  During this time of distance and stillness, what is God trying to tell us? What does this time afford us the opportunity to do?

Join us again tomorrow at 9 a.m. for another Loyola High School Morning Prayer.

MARCH 23, 2020

Fr. Adam DeLeon, SJ delivers our first online community Morning Prayer as we continue our tradition of daily prayer and reflection.

Join us again tomorrow at 9 a.m. for another Loyola High School Morning Prayer.