Easter Sunday
“Mary of Magdala went and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord,” and what he told her. ” (John 20:18)
What a scene that must have been…Mary of Magdala arrived in the dark to find the tomb empty. A woman, out in the darkness, the first at the tomb…the first to share the news…
The beloved disciple rushing ahead of Peter, the rock on which the Church would be built. Peter entering first but the beloved disciple believed…
The men departing but Mary stayed…and she kept weeping for the Lord…
She would stay and see and encounter the Risen Lord. She would be the first to share the Good News…
Through our doubts, through our tears, through our fears…you appear Lord Jesus. You promised us that you love us to the end. Your word is true.
Jesus Christ is risen today! Alleluia!
May our hearts be filled with the joy of Easter. May we share that joy with others – those we know and those we do not.
Come visit Loyola and share in the Good News at Fenkell and Pinehurst.
Share the Good News with those you meet. You are in our prayers this day and all days.