Men for Others

Loyola HS Detroit

Students at Loyola are challenged to go beyond academic achievement. They are encouraged to be reflective, to be committed to service, to grow in personal faith, and to pursue the promotion of social justice.

During their four-year journey here, these exceptional sons form a joyful brotherhood that helps prepare them to be men of Christian love, justice, and service. They grow to be men who act with integrity, compassion, and courage. They become Men for Others. Men for Detroit.

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At Loyola, we provide our young men with a world of opportunities. Here are just some of the highlights:

Academic Excellence

Each young man at Loyola is exceptional. When he arrives, we meet him where he is and work together to take him further than he imagined. Students are guided by our committed faculty who strive to educate each young man as a whole person – mind, body, and spirit. It’s one reason we are celebrating our 12th consecutive year of 100% college acceptance among our graduates.


We compete at the varsity level in football, basketball, baseball, bowling, track and field, rugby, and cross country. In addition, we have freshman and junior varsity basketball teams. Other school clubs include the debate team, music/band club, art club, chess club, broadcasting club and National Honor Society.

Loyola Work Experience Program

One of the unique experiences of a Loyola education is our Work Experience Program. It allows junior and senior students to spend one day a week working in respected companies and organizations throughout metro Detroit. They acquire invaluable knowledge as they learn how to carry themselves confidently in professional roles, while they obtain real-world experience that helps them find success beyond their academic studies.


For more information, contact our Admissions Director, Mr. Paul Davis, ‘11 at: or by calling (313) 861-2407, ext. 510.

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