Loyola HS Logo

Dear Candidate,

Thank you for your interest in the position of President at Loyola High School. After four years of dedicated service leading our high school, President David R. Smith has informed us that he will be staying on one more year, until June 30, 2024. We thank him for his many contributions and wish him all the best.

We are now in the process of searching for the next president who will lead us through the many opportunities that await Loyola High School. To assist you in your application process, we have prepared this dropdown menu which includes a great deal of information about our school. Here, you will find the following:

  • Board Letter
  • The Mission
  • The Vision
  • Announcement from President David R. Smith
  • Position Description

In addition, we encourage you to peruse many of the excellent resources on the main page of our website. There, you will find:

  • “Landmark” Magazine – a bi-annual publication distributed to our donors and other stakeholders
  • “Working Wonders” – a video about the Loyola Work Experience Program, a program that is very important to our school and the juniors and seniors who participate
  • A video on The Frederick Douglass North Star Scholarship Program, another important initiative undertaken recently at Loyola
  • Two videos directed to our families: “A Parent’s Prayer” and “Why Loyola”
  • A video targeted to our donors: “Thank You, Donors”
  • Our News section which includes highlights from recent press stories about our high school

Thank you again for your interest in Loyola High School and this important leadership position.


Michael Bernard

Michael J. Bernard

Board Chair

Barbara Runyon

Barbara Runyon

Board Vice-Chair