Please join us as we kick off Loyola High School’s 2023 Annual Appeal: Sharing Faith. Ensuring Futures. Your contribution to our mission does more than support a great cause – it champions a young man’s journey to a hopeful future.
Your investment ensures that these deserving young men are prepared for the next stage of life through the benefit of a rigorous Catholic education in the Jesuit tradition. It enables our faculty and staff to continue the work of so many faithful men and women who began Loyola High School 30 years ago.
Today, Loyola is celebrating 13 consecutive years of 100% college acceptance among our graduates, due in large part to compassionate people like you. If you care about developing young men of Christian love, justice, and service, please support the transforming effect Loyola has on so many young men. Can we count on you to make a gift to our Annual Appeal today?
We Can’t Do It Alone.
The tuition families pay at Loyola accounts for only 5% of our annual operating budget. The reality is, 60% of our annual funding each year comes from men and women like you. Your generosity goes beyond helping to provide a rigorous Catholic, Jesuit education. It supports annual retreats, small class sizes of approximately 12 students per class, extracurricular activities, competitive sports programs, and a Work Experience Program that offers real-world experience for our juniors and seniors once a week in businesses and organizations across metro Detroit.
Thank you for making a generous gift today in support of our small, but mighty, high school in northwest Detroit. Together in joy and faith, let’s send forth another generation of Men for Others. Men for Detroit.
God bless you.
For more information on the transforming effect of Loyola High School, please contact Donor Relations Coordinator Therese Scheuneman at or by calling (313) 861-2407, ext. 505.
Loyola provides a 360-degree, whole person education for our students in a safe and appealing campus setting. Highlights include:
- Celebrating all school Masses throughout the year, Morning Prayer together every day, daily Examen reflections, and class retreats
- Providing three meals a day to all students
- Small class sizes – approximately 12 young men per class
- Extracurricular activities that include National Honor Society, music/band, chess, art, and broadcasting club
- Competitive varsity programs in football, basketball, baseball, rugby, bowling, and track and field
- Loyola Work Experience Program for all seniors and juniors with jobs one day per week at 33 local companies and non-profit organizations
- Four alumni working on staff full-time
- Celebrating 13 consecutive years of 100% college acceptance among our graduates